Summer Camp Drop-In

Lifeguard Camp Hawaii

Summertime is anything but boring for our bunch (a nicer way of describing somewhat-organized chaos). Between the parties, BBQs, events, and gallivanting outdoors in the sunshiny days and cool nights, we have ordinary responsibilities. Bummer. And, while everyone faces the challenge of balancing fun and work, we have the additional challenge of navigating a schedule that’s rather out of the ordinary.

Summer camp, drop-in style…saves the day!

It’s the best solution I’ve found to manage our lives, which range from Colorado to Hawaii, 9 to 13 years, adventurous to super chillax; and we have to find a way to please everyone, of course (and I’m not claiming success to that one quite yet).

Our 2016 lineup has included some pretty notable adventures. AND we’re not done! Some of our favs thus far:


Sam is the owner and main tour guide of the camp. He has experience working with children, a degree form CU, and is fully trained as a lifeguard – all of which helped me feel comfortable right away. Sam combines education with adventure to create a fun atmosphere for the kids that parents can truly appreciate.


This program is FREE on island! The program is sponsored by the North Shore Lifeguard Association and is taught by certified lifeguards. It’s intense and requires dedication, so it’s certainly not for everyone. My son, being more familiar with the Colorado scene, was certainly intimidated and will hopefully forgive his mom someday for strongly suggesting his involvement with the training (which could come in very handy someday!).


I thought it would be a fabulous idea to introduce my youngest to her peer group culture on  Oahu. The camp is very reasonably priced and full of local culture. Noelle had the opportunity to sing songs she had never heard of, talk about places that are a mystery to her, and she even mispronounced musubi – which left the other children in hysterics. Oh, and she’s still amazed that the kids hadn’t a clue what kickball was.


This overnight adventure was included in the Kama’aina Kids daycamp package. We didn’t know this until attending camp (information can be increasingly difficult to obtain in Hawaii), but we were thrilled and Noelle had a North Shore adventure she’ll never forget! Beach fun, crabbing, low ropes, climbing wall, archery, camp fire time, and tie dye were just a few of the many experiences.

When life demands mundane and necessary responsibilities, make drop-in summer camp your solution!