Epic Thrill – Minimal Skill

Ever wondered what it would be like to soar through the Colorado canyons – majestic sights from a birds-eye point of view – the ground below looming hundreds of feet beneath your toes? How about the exhilaration of leaping from one cliff edge to return safely to the other side? No, it’s not a fantasy excerpt from an ever-popular vampire saga, though I’m sure athletic fictional heroes would be a most excellent selling point, ha. This is the REAL!

Catch the full story at Mile High Mamas: “Adventures in Lost Canyon With Captain Zipline”


The End of the LEGO Obsession (or just the beginning!?)

Sunday morning, 2:30 a.m., I awoke to thoughts of the LEGO KidsFest review that I had yet to write #myweekofprocrastination…and in those wee hours of the morning I heard my daughter tossing, turning and mumbling in her sleep. As I listened closely, I made out the distressed words, “No more LEGOS.”

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So, you might be wondering why I’d share that with my readers when the clear goal of this editorial review is to help *promote* LEGO KidsFest…but stay with me here 😉

I got to thinking about all that the KidsFest had to offer: build areas, the BIG brick pile, monochromatic bricks, mosaic LEGO art, race ramps, games, challenge zone, LEGO friends, Brickscapes, the marketplace and much, much more…and I realized something – this KidsFest is a LEGO lovers dream come true! One small problem for my sweet little Noelle, she’s just not quite old enough to have really caught on to the LEGO brick obsession. AND that was the problem…

Scared of small, toy bricks of immense creative capacity, no.
Intimidated by a life-size LEGO Hulk creation, maybe.

I think the real fear was derived from the fret over a simple, red LEGO t-shirt. Because she hadn’t quite caught the LEGO bug yet, not a single toy set in the marketplace quite suited her fancy. What she was looking for (obsessed with) was one of the raffle t-shirts (which she did not win). Unfortunately for her, it was time to leave and not a single LEGO t-shirt in sight. Oh the travesty.

I can just imagine my sweet baby girl – all grown up – sitting on the psychiatrist’s couch explaining the night terrors, images of enormous LEGO monsters and an insatiable desire for one, simple red LEGO-imprinted t-shirt. Ya just never know how ya might really mess up in this parenting stuff, hee hee.